現在、毎月100万個の織り帽子、40万個のニット帽子、20万個の麦わら帽子、フェルト帽子を生産することができます。 現在、1200人の専門スタッフと1000人の高度な機器があります。
Foremostのフルカテゴリの工場リソースの恩恵を受けています。 デザイナーチームは、スタイルデザイン、製品ドキュメンテーション、原材料の選択から技術生産まで、統合された標準製品開発プロセスを確立しました。統合された帽子の生産と装飾サービスをお客様に提供することを目指しています。
Foremostのサンプルセンターには、20人のCADエンジニア、40人以上の熟練したサンプルミシン、およびあらゆる種類の特殊ミシンがあります。 毎月の容量は、写真サンプル、販売サンプル、マーケティングサンプルなど、アイデアを実現するための2000を超えるスタイルに達します。 ファブリックとトリムの準備ができたら、帽子のサンプルが完成し、5日以内に送信されます。
私たちは20のSHIMA SEIKI自動切断機を持って、切断をより効率的にします。
糸はビーニー帽子の外観と機能を決定します。 アクリルからリサイクル、カシミアまで、100種類の糸をお客様に提供しています。 これは、糸の選択から完成したビーニーハットの配達までのワンストップソリューションです。
編み物の生産サイクルは、パターンの作成と編み機のプログラムの開発から始まります。 Stoll編み機プロデューサーのM1 Plusソフトウェアをプログラミングに使用します。 したがって、ユニークなニットパターンと複雑なジャカードフィギュアを作成できます。
Stollマシンを使用して、最終的なビーニーの部品を編みます。 私たちの工場には、12、7、3ゲージの針が付いた機械があります。 ストールマシンは、高品質のニット生地と信頼性が高く高速な操作で知られています。これにより、複雑さや構造のパターンを作成しながら、小さなバッチと大きなバッチの両方をすばやく作成できます。そしてサイズ。
Circular knitting is a form of knitting that creates a seamless tube. Work in the round is begun by casting on stitches as for flat knitting but then joining the ends of that row of stitches to form a circle.
We use linking machines to assemble Fully fashion articles, where the edges of the parts do not need overlocking. Assembling with linking machines is labor-consuming, but brings better quality.
We customize the embroidery logo at the specified position according to the TP. Generally, most logos will be customized on the cuffed of beanie hats.
Trimming is the process of sewing in the hat lining, adding any additional decorations, or even washing for a unique appearance.
This stage is quality control and inspection of beanie hats. Here, all beanie hats are viewed as compared to the sample created by the designer, and any excess or loose wiring, lining, or braid is cut and removed to complete the hat.
Both natural and artificial materials can be made into braids either by machine or by hand. The size of the braid made by the machine varies from 10mm-25mm. The smaller the size, the more difficult the crafts and the more delicate the final straw hats.
Forming straw braid hats is so special that it is not just a question of creating a perfect seam between braids, but of forming the shape of a hat during the sewing process itself. That means the process requires an extremely good eye, sensitivity, experience, and practice. The narrower and more delicate the braid, to more difficult it is to work.
Soak and add the stiffener to the straw braid cone for stiffening, making it a different feel of soft and hard, as well as further shaping different shapes of hats.
For this stage, Aluminum blocks are widely used, which require that the hat be stretched over the block and then Ironed. We have kinds of blocks to satisfy various style shapes.
Trimming is the process of sewing in the hat lining and adding any additional decorations, such as bows, extra fabric, or rhinestones. This is truly the area where the designer's vision plays out. Adding additional fabric to create bows or adding a rhinestone cluster is often the reason why our hats capture so much attention.
This stage is quality control and inspection of hats. Here, all straw braid hats are viewed as compared to the sample created by the designer, and any excess or loose wiring, lining, or braid is cut and removed to complete the hat.
The main raw material of the felt hats is natural wool and rabbit fur, these natural materials are mixed with debris and lanolin, therefore, remove them to get better felt quality.
This stage is to "card" the wool using a machine that combs and pulls fibers into a fluffy mass, then this material is wound onto a wooden cone, the shape and size of the cone in addition to the amount and weight of wool used determines the size, quality and weight of the cone.
The felting process uses steam and pressure to bind the wool fibers together, then the felt is rolled to consolidate and continue the felting process, the last act is carried out by a bumping machine to finally consolidate the fibers in the wool.
When dyeing the felts, the hoods are left to soak in the dye for 90-300 minutes, depending on the weight of the felt.
The crown of the hoods is stretched to a standard size and shape, it is then dried in an oven and the surface is finished to the requirement.
The material of felt hoods is all to do with how the surface of the felt looks. The hoods' surface needs to be brushed, clipped, polished, and combed, depending on the desired finish. Then make the capeline for final shaping.
Soak and add the stiffener to the felt hood for stiffening, making the felt hood different feel soft and hard, as well as further shaping different shapes of hats.
For this stage, Aluminum blocks are widely used, which require that the hat be stretched over the block and then heated by gas or steam. This is more modern and quicker, compared with vintage wooden blocks. While we have kinds of blocks to satisfy your idea.
Trimming is the process of sewing in the hat lining, adding any additional decorations, such as bows, extra fabric, or rhinestones, and cutting or folding the brim of hats, to obtain the corresponding brim style and width.
This stage is quality control and inspection of hats. Here, all felt hats are viewed as compared to the sample created by the designer, and any excess or lose wiring, lining, or braid is cut and removed to complete the hat.
We help you customize and manufacture premium hats that are worthy of your brand on time, and on budget.